Sunday, April 25, 2021

Hawaii Birding Bucket List

1. Nene/Hawaiian goose
The State Bird of Hawaii, The Nene

2. White fairy tern

3. Java Sparrow

4. Saffron Finch

5. Laysan Albatross

6. Japanese white-eye

7. Red-crested cardinal *Checked off list 5/8/2021, 

8. Rose-ringed parakeet

9. White Rumped Shama

10. ‘I’iwi
One of the most sought-after birds to see in Hawaii.
The ‘I’iwi is a native honeycreeper found only in high elevation forests.

11. Red-whiskered Bulbul

12. Red-tailed Tropicbird

13.Yellow-fronted Canary

14. Palila

15. Erckels Francolin

16. Pueo, Hawaiian owl

17. Sharp-tailed Sand Piper

18. Red-footed Booby

19. Bristle-thighed Curlew

20. Northern Cardinal

21. Ae’o, Hawaiian Stilt

22. Feral Chickens